Monday 15 February 2010

Welcome to the launchlings Lite

This blog will keep you up to date with the developments at, it will inform you of things we find interesting and collaborations which are going on right now!
Firstly I think it might be useful for you websurfing folk to know a little about what we intend to accomplish.

Launchlings is a new website start up which will allow people to evaluate and develop their business ideas online. Very simple.

Brilliant entrepreneur/idea people, will be matched to creative and skilled independents looking to work on new business ideas. You will discuss your ideas, see how you could develop them and eventually hand out stakes in your ideas to motivate one another in a secure environment, all of which  will make you ridiculously rich!!

Simple, but until now it has been impossible to safely evaluate your ideas without them being stolen. We have found the solution - why not recruit people to your idea rather than letting everyone browse over them as on other enterprise websites.

You may be wondering why would I share my idea with someone, and why would they care??

Well, you will choose who you collaborate with based on a new and advanced feedback system and their full profiles. They will want to work with you because your idea is brilliant (obviously!) and because if they help you out and collaborate with you, you will give them a stake in the idea's future, be it in equity or revenue sharing.

Seems simple?
We think it is... To try us out and evaluate our website please sign up for the soft launch at or tell us what you think below.

Many thanks
Tom from

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